How to Set Up a VPC in AWS?


VPC stands for “Virtual Private Cloud.” It’s a concept commonly associated with cloud computing services like Amazon Web Services (AWS), but other cloud providers offer similar constructs under different names.

Here’s a basic rundown of what a VPC is and does, especially in the context of AWS:

  1. Isolation in the Cloud: A VPC allows users to create a logically isolated section of the cloud provider’s infrastructure where they can launch resources in a virtual network that they define.
  2. Custom IP Address Range: Users can select their own IP address range, create subnets, and configure route tables and network gateways.
  3. Enhanced Security: By using a VPC, you can control inbound and outbound traffic to network instances (like virtual machines). Security Groups and Network Access Control Lists (NACLs) provide flexible tools for controlling traffic based on IP protocol, port number, and source/destination IP address or subnet.
  4. Connection to On-Premises Resources: With features like AWS Direct Connect or Virtual Private Network (VPN), users can connect their VPC to their on-premises data centers.
  5. Resource Distribution: Within a VPC, you can define subnets, which can be thought of as subdivisions of the VPC. This allows for better organization and control of resources. For instance, you can have a public subnet for resources that must be accessible from the internet and a private subnet for backend databases or application servers that shouldn’t be directly accessed from outside.
  6. Internet Access Control: You can configure your VPC to allow your instances to access the internet using an Internet Gateway. This way, you can control which instances are publicly accessible and which are not.
  7. Host Multi-tier Web Applications: Given the control VPC offers, it’s easier to architect and host multi-tier web applications, keeping different layers in different subnets with specific security postures.
  8. Dedicated Hardware: If a business requires it, they can use Dedicated Instances which are Amazon EC2 instances that run in a VPC on hardware that’s dedicated to a single customer.

In summary, VPC provides an additional layer of control and customization over cloud resources, allowing businesses and individuals to tailor their cloud environment more closely to their needs, especially in terms of security, networking, and connectivity.


  1. An active AWS account.
  2. AWS Management Console access.

How to Create VPC in AWS Step by Step Guide

Create a VPC

i. Log into your AWS Console.

ii. Navigate to the “VPC” service.

iii. Click on “Your VPCs” > “Create VPC”.

iv. Provide a Name tag and specify the IPv4 CIDR block, usually

v. Choose the default tenancy and click “Create”.

vi. We need to enable the DNS hostnames, So we need select the VPC and Edit the VPC Settings.

Here it will be untick we need to select and save.

Create Subnets Within your VPC, you can create one or more subnets:

i. Click on “Subnets” > “Create subnet”.

ii. Choose your VPC, add a Name tag, and specify the IPv4 CIDR block for the subnet. Ensure this block is a subset of your VPC’s CIDR block.

Pick an Availability Zone, which determines where resources in the subnet will be created.

Repeat the process for additional subnets if required.

We need to Enable the Auto Assign Public IP . So we need to edit subnet settings.

Here we need to Enable the Auto assign public IP option and Save.

We need to make the other as same to enable the auto assign public IP.

Create an Internet Gateway (IGW):

To allow communication between resources in your VPC and the internet:

i. Click on “Internet Gateways” > “Create internet gateway”.

ii. Provide a name and confirm.

iii. Once created, select your IGW and attach it to your VPC.

Select your appropriate VPC and attach to IGW.

Configure Route Tables:

Route tables determine how traffic is directed:

i. Click on “Route Tables” > “Create route table”.

ii. Name it and select your VPC.

iii. After creation, select your route table > “Routes” tab > “Edit routes”.

iv. Add a route with destination and target as your IGW.

v. Next, associate your subnets with this route table. Go to the “Subnet Associations” tab and select your subnets.

Select your subnets and make them associate and save.

Review and Test:

i. Ensure that your resources (like EC2 instances) within the subnet can access the internet.

Here we go, We can able to connect with server with our own VPC.

ii. Review security group rules and Network Access Control Lists (NACLs) to ensure desired traffic flow.

Important Considerations

  • Subnet Planning: Your VPC’s CIDR block determines how many subnets and IP addresses you can create. Plan according to your expected growth.
  • Security: While setting up, always review AWS’s default security configurations. Customize NACLs and Security Groups to ensure robust protection.
  • High Availability: Consider creating subnets in different availability zones for redundancy.


Establishing a VPC, accompanied by subnets, an IGW, and a route table, is foundational for any robust AWS setup. It provides a structured, secure, and scalable environment to deploy cloud resources. As with any cloud endeavor, continuous review and adaptation to fit evolving needs are essential.

How to Remove a VPC in AWS


As you work within AWS, you may find a need to delete unused or outdated VPCs to declutter your environment or adhere to best practices. Removing a VPC is straightforward, but it’s essential to follow a structured process to ensure all components are adequately deleted. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the necessary steps to safely and completely remove a VPC in AWS.


  1. AWS Management Console access.
  2. IAM permissions to delete VPC components.

Step-by-Step Guide

i. Log Into the AWS Management Console Navigate to your AWS Console and sign in with the necessary credentials.

ii. Go to the VPC Dashboard From the AWS Services dashboard, click on “VPC” or search for “VPC” in the search bar to access the VPC dashboard.

iii. Identify the VPC to be Deleted Under “Your VPCs”, locate the VPC you wish to remove. Ensure you’re selecting the correct VPC by verifying its name tag or any other unique identifiers.

iv. Delete Related Resources Before you can delete a VPC, you must remove or disassociate its related components:

1. Internet Gateways (IGW): Navigate to “Internet Gateways”, find any associated with your VPC, select them, and choose “Detach from VPC” followed by “Delete”.

We need to Detach from VPC before deleting.

After detached, you can delete the IGW.

2. Subnets: Go to “Subnets”, identify those linked to your VPC, select each one, and click “Delete subnet”.

3. Route Tables: Under “Route Tables”, locate non-main route tables associated with your VPC, select them, and click “Delete”.

4. Network ACLs: Navigate to “Network ACLs”, identify any custom ACLs associated with the VPC, select them, and click “Delete”.

5. Security Groups: Go to “Security Groups”, locate any custom security groups (not the default), select them, and click “Delete”.

6. Elastic IP Addresses: Release any EIPs that aren’t required anymore.

7. Endpoints, Peering Connections, and Other Components: Ensure to delete any additional components linked to the VPC.

Delete the VPC Once all components are removed:

  • Return to “Your VPCs”.
  • Select the intended VPC.
  • Click on “Actions” and then “Delete VPC”.
  • Confirm the deletion in the prompt that appears.
  • You have Successfully removed the VPC.

Points to Consider

  • Ensure Data Backup: Before removing any resources, ensure you have backups of any critical data.
  • Validation: Always double-check the resources you’re about to delete, especially if you have a complex environment with many VPCs.
  • Cost Implications: Deleting unnecessary resources can help reduce costs, but always verify any potential data transfer or other related charges.


Properly cleaning up and managing AWS resources, including VPCs, ensures a more organized, efficient, and cost-effective cloud environment. By following the steps above and regularly reviewing your AWS setup, you can maintain a clean and effective cloud infrastructure.

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