Linux commands are the backbone of system management, file handling, and process automation. This guide categorizes and summarizes essential Linux commands to help you master the terminal. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, these commands will boost your productivity.

User and Permission Management

  1. sudo adduser [username]: Adds a new user to the system.
  2. sudo passwd [username]: Sets or changes the password for a user.
  3. sudo visudo: Safely edits the sudoers file to manage administrative privileges.
  4. who: Displays logged-in users.
  5. id [username]: Shows user ID and group information.
  6. chmod [permissions] [file]: Changes file permissions.
  7. chown [owner] [file]: Changes the owner of a file.

File and Directory Management

  • ls: Lists the contents of a directory.
  • ls -l: Detailed listing.
  • ls -a: Includes hidden files.
  • ls -lt: Sorts by modification time.
  • touch [filename]: Creates an empty file.
  • mkdir [dirname]: Creates a new directory.
  • mkdir -p [dir1/dir2/dir3]: Creates nested directories.
  • cp [source] [destination]: Copies files or directories.
  • cp -r: Copies directories recursively.
  • mv [source] [destination]: Moves or renames files and directories.
  • rm [filename]: Deletes a file.
  • rm -r [dirname]: Deletes a directory recursively.
  • find / -name [filename]: Searches for a file or directory.

Text Editing

  • nano [filename]: Opens the file in Nano text editor.
  • Save: Ctrl + X, Confirm: Y, Exit: Enter.
  • vi [filename]: Opens the file in Vi text editor.
  • Enter Insert Mode: i, Save: :w, Exit: :q.
  • cat [filename]: Displays the contents of a file.

System Information and Monitoring

  1. df -h: Displays disk space usage in human-readable format.
  2. du -sh [directory]: Shows the size of a file or directory.
  3. top: Monitors real-time system processes.
  4. uptime: Displays system uptime and load averages.
  5. free -h: Displays memory usage.
  6. ps aux: Lists all running processes.

Package Management

  1. sudo apt-get update: Updates the system’s package list.
  2. sudo apt-get install [package_name]: Installs a specified package.
  3. wget [URL]: Downloads files from the internet.
  4. sudo tar -xvf [filename.tar.gz]: Extracts .tar.gz files.

SSH Configuration

  • sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config: Opens the SSH configuration file for editing.
  • Enable password login: PasswordAuthentication yes.
  1. Restart SSH service:
  • sudo service ssh restart
  • sudo service ssh start
  • sudo service ssh stop

Disk and Filesystem Operations

  1. mount [device] [directory]: Mounts a filesystem.
  2. umount [directory]: Unmounts a filesystem.
  3. lsblk: Lists information about block devices.
  4. blkid: Displays UUIDs of filesystems.
  5. df -h: Checks available disk space.


  1. ping [host]: Sends ICMP packets to test connectivity.
  2. ifconfig / ip addr: Displays or configures network interfaces.
  3. netstat -tuln: Displays active network connections.
  4. curl [URL]: Fetches content from a URL.

Miscellaneous Commands

  1. history: Displays a list of previously executed commands.
  2. clear: Clears the terminal screen.
  3. pwd: Displays the current working directory.
  4. echo [text]: Prints text to the terminal.
  5. alias [name]='[command]': Creates a shortcut for a command.

Advanced Tips

  1. Shortcuts:
  • Ctrl + C: Stops a running process.
  • Ctrl + Z: Pauses a process.
  • Ctrl + D: Logs out of the terminal.
  1. Wildcards:
  • *: Matches multiple characters.
  • ?: Matches a single character.
  1. Chaining Commands:
  • command1 && command2: Runs the second command only if the first succeeds.
  • command1 || command2: Runs the second command if the first fails.


Mastering Linux commands is crucial for anyone working with servers, development, or system administration. This categorized list will serve as a solid reference. Whether you’re managing users, files, or processes, these commands provide the tools to accomplish your tasks efficiently. Bookmark this guide and keep practicing to enhance your Linux expertise!

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